Connect. Grow. Reach.
The adult ministry at First Baptist Church provides ways for adults of any age to connect
with others, grow in your faith, and reach others in our community.
with others, grow in your faith, and reach others in our community.

Connecting with each other through fellowship to form a Christian community.
We connect through lifegroups and fellowship events.
We connect through lifegroups and fellowship events.

Building a firm foundation in your Christian walk through studying together.
We grow through Sunday school classes, Equipping courses,
and Bible studies.
We grow through Sunday school classes, Equipping courses,
and Bible studies.

Reaching our community, in and out of the church, with special groups and ministries.
We reach through serving opportunities, special services/outreach events, and special topic groups.
We reach through serving opportunities, special services/outreach events, and special topic groups.