"So continue encouraging each other and building each other up, just like you are doing already."
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Reach groups are focused on helping people inside and outside of the church. We reach out to people by doing service projects in our community, hosting special events for our community, and having special support groups to care for people inside and outside of the church.

Current Reach Opportunities
[If you are interested in any of the Reach opportunities, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.]
Church Wide Serving
Fall & Spring Outreach
We do one large outreach in both the fall and spring.
Last fall we served at the Eastern Illinois Food Bank in Urban, IL to help pack food for the upcoming winter season.
This spring we served at Salt & Light in Urbana to help them sort items they use in their resale store.
Please check back for upcoming serving opportunities.
Last fall we served at the Eastern Illinois Food Bank in Urban, IL to help pack food for the upcoming winter season.
This spring we served at Salt & Light in Urbana to help them sort items they use in their resale store.
Please check back for upcoming serving opportunities.
Special Services & Outreach Events
Drama Team
Throughout the year we have opportunities to utilize your acting, stage design, and costume creations in order to put on skits and drama productions.
If you are gifted in any of these areas, we would love for you to join the drama team.
If you are gifted in any of these areas, we would love for you to join the drama team.
Special Music
The Music Ministry here at FBC can utilize your skills for the glory of God in many ways.
These opportunities include holiday events (Christmas & Easter Choirs & Christmas caroling), special music offerings, and other worship events throughout the year. These are just a few of the ways you can reach out to others with your musical gifts.
These opportunities include holiday events (Christmas & Easter Choirs & Christmas caroling), special music offerings, and other worship events throughout the year. These are just a few of the ways you can reach out to others with your musical gifts.
Special Topic Groups
Women's Caregiver Group
This group is for women who care for family members who are disabled, homebound, or have dementia. The group meets to share their struggles and to support each other. They meet on the fourth Monday of each month from 1:00 - 2:00 PM at the church.
Apples of Gold -Women Mentoring
This group is for new moms and wives who are looking to be mentored by older women who have been there and can offer wisdom and support for those sticky moments as a mom or wife. They meet for 9 weeks in either the fall or spring at the church. Dinner is provided each week.
Financial Peace University
This groups runs once a week for 9 consecutive weeks and looks at finances and how we can better manage them. Registration is required and there is a fee to cover the course materials. Please check back for upcoming registration information.
Life's Healing Choices Book Study Group
Life's Healing Choices offers freedom from our hurts, habits and hang-ups through using the beatitudes of Jesus as a foundation this study takes us through 8 healing choices that promise true happiness and life transformation. Senior Pastor Rick Warren and John Baker developed these 8 choices shared in this study.
We will meet every Thursday starting June 6 from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the Hospitality Room at FBC. We will skip the week of July 4.
The cost is $20 to cover the cost of the book and study guide. If you are unable to cover the cost of the book and study guide, we still want you to come. There is an option under payment for scholarships.
We will meet every Thursday starting June 6 from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the Hospitality Room at FBC. We will skip the week of July 4.
The cost is $20 to cover the cost of the book and study guide. If you are unable to cover the cost of the book and study guide, we still want you to come. There is an option under payment for scholarships.