MS and HS students are invited for a week at Little Galilee Christian Camp where they have the opportunity to get away to fellowship with hundreds of other Christian kids and reconnect to God. Little Galilee offers all sorts of fun things, including a zip line, high ropes course, swimming pool, a live band and vetted speakers and missionaries throughout the week.
If your youth want to bunk together, be sure to put FBC as your home church so you can bunk with our group.
When you click on the registration link below, you will be taken to the Little Galilee registration site.
You need to select the correct session from the list.
For High School students, select HS Main #1 with Josh Rutledge.
For Middle School students, select Jr high Main #3 with Gabe Rutledge.
The cost is $210 if you register before June 1. After June 1, the cost is $225.
There are scholarship opportunities for first time attenders. Please contact the camp for more info.
If your youth want to bunk together, be sure to put FBC as your home church so you can bunk with our group.
When you click on the registration link below, you will be taken to the Little Galilee registration site.
You need to select the correct session from the list.
For High School students, select HS Main #1 with Josh Rutledge.
For Middle School students, select Jr high Main #3 with Gabe Rutledge.
The cost is $210 if you register before June 1. After June 1, the cost is $225.
There are scholarship opportunities for first time attenders. Please contact the camp for more info.